One-Punch Man Manga Chapter 167: The One Who Can Defeat Saitama

Chapter Story

Chapter 167 of One-Punch Man picks up where the previous chapter left off, with Saitama and Garou facing off against the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure is tall and muscular, and they are wearing a black cloak and hood. Their face is hidden in shadow.

The mysterious figure introduces himself as Blast, the top hero in the Hero Association. He tells Saitama and Garou that he has come to stop them from fighting.

Saitama and Garou are confused. They don’t understand why Blast wants to stop them from fighting.

Blast explains that he has seen the future, and he knows that if Saitama and Garou continue to fight, they will destroy the Earth.

Saitama and Garou are skeptical at first, but Blast convinces them that he is telling the truth.

Blast then opens a portal to another dimension and tells Saitama and Garou to go through. Saitama and Garou reluctantly agree.

Saitama and Garou step through the portal and disappear.

Blast then closes the portal. He turns to the camera and says, “I’m the only one who can defeat Saitama.”

Author’s Analysis

Chapter 167 of One-Punch Man is a shocking chapter. It reveals that Blast, the top hero in the Hero Association, is the only one who can defeat Saitama.

This is a major revelation, as it has been established throughout the series that Saitama is the most powerful being in the universe.

It is unclear why Blast is the only one who can defeat Saitama. It is possible that Blast has a special power that allows him to negate Saitama’s strength. It is also possible that Blast is simply a much more powerful hero than Saitama.

Only time will tell what the future holds for One-Punch Man. But one thing is for sure: the revelation that Blast is the only one who can defeat Saitama has changed everything.

Additional Thoughts

I am particularly interested in Blast’s motives. Why is he the only one who can defeat Saitama? What is he planning to do with Saitama?

I am also eager to see how Saitama will react to the revelation that Blast is the only one who can defeat him. Saitama has always been confident in his strength, but will he start to doubt himself after learning that there is someone who can defeat him?

I am confident that the revelation that Blast is the only one who can defeat Saitama will lead to some exciting and unpredictable storylines in the future of One-Punch Man.

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